Using FPA’s core beliefs as the key filters for making decisions in a fiduciary capacity on behalf of members and constituents, Board members must think strategically, engage in open dialogue, and work collaboratively.
Board members (excluding the president-elect, president, and past president) are elected to an initial three-year term, based on the calendar year.
Those who are elected to the Executive Committee serve an additional three years, one year each as president-elect, president, and past president, in that order. FPA’s CEO serves as Board secretary.
As I reflect on my financial journey, I cannot understate the pivotal role that the Financial Planning Association (FPA) has played in shaping my understanding, approach, and success in managing my finances. Read More from Michael here.
In my position as Director of NexGen, I coordinate opportunities for NexGen members to network with peers, share insights and best practices, and build relationships that can support their professional development. Overall, the FPA NexGen community provides a supportive and collaborative environment for young professionals and career changers in the financial planning industry to learn, grow, and make meaningful contributions to the profession.